Lecture Series

Inaugural Lecture

This program featured talks, films, and demonstrations which covered wide-ranging and provocative themes with an educational slant.

Model Notes slide lecture by Amos Latteier

Portland's best fake professor, Amos Latteier, discusses models. The talk covers many types of models from Model United Nations clubs, to fashion models, to architectural models.

Video View with cable modem, DSL, ISDN
Video View with modem

Powers of Ten film by Charles and Ray Eames, presented by Karrin Ellertson

Karrin Ellertson presents Charles and Ray Eames's classic film. Voyage into the outer reaches of the universe and into the center atoms.

Creating a Burner demonstration by Nathan Childs

Marshal Art veteran Nathan Childs gives a graffiti 101 primer. Watch Nathan as he demonstrates graffiti techniques over a live video feed.

Animation Station

Make your own animated video using a video lunch-box. In this hands-on exhibit you can create your own short videos.


Click thumbnail images to see full-size photos.

Still from a video created at the animation station Still from a video created at the animation station Creating a burner demonstration by Nathan Childs Creating a burner demonstration by Nathan Childs
Film still from "Powers of Ten" Film still from "Powers of Ten" Film still from "Powers of Ten" Film still from "Powers of Ten"
Slide from "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier Slide from "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier
Slide from "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier Slide from "Model Notes" lecture by Amos Latteier