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Jim Drain Lecture AnnouncementSubject: Jim Drain Lecture, thursday August 1st 7pm at the Lab Hello People of Portland, ANNOUNCING THE SECOND IN A SERIES OF LECTURES BY ARTISTS THAT I KNOW WHO ARE PASSING THROUGH PORTLAND! This Thursday Aug. 1st at 7pm Jim Drain (from the collaboration Forcefield) will present a lecture at The Lab. Drinks will be available for a small donation, otherwise this event is totally free. For more directions call 503.295.7729 Forcefield was included in the Whitney Bienniel this year and Jim is an amazing maker of many different things, and is a very nice person too. I'm sure he will have a great deal of interesting information to share with us. Here's Jim in his own words: I'm going to set the context of where I am coming from (Providence, RI but also addressing what I did after leaving school: going to LA, etc) all culminating with what is going on now for us/me of Forcefield. I am 26 years old. I live in Providence and went to University here (do people call it University?) and grew up in Cleveland. For six years I was involved with Fort Thunder (check out the Summer 2001 issue of Nest magazine to learn more about Fort Thunder) until it was torn down in May, 2002. Fort Thunder hosted music shows, plays, wrestling, waifs and wayfaring raggamuffins, collaged interiors, screen printing, comic-book making, bikes, etc. It was a community center for many people. I grafted onto Forcefield. It started as a drawing jam then became a music one that became more performative simultaneously and videos were made. I learned to knit and we showed in Brooklyn at Dean Daderko's Parlour Projects before showing six months later in the Whitney Bienniel, 2002. For the lecture I will show slides and videos along with things people can touch--zines, outfits etc.. For more info on Fort Thunder, Forcefield, etc. go to: http://www.fortthunder.org Hope to see you there, harrell |