Lecture Series

Ambassadors from the Sea

Ambassadors from the Sea explores our cousins the whales and dolphins. From Moby Dick to Flipper, sea mammals provoke interest and excitement in people. We bring you a program that includes real life cetacean encounters, whale philosophy, and mythic art.

The Freeing of Willy slide lecture by Amos Latteier

Famous fake professor Amos Latteier gives an update on former Oregonian Keiko "Free Willy" the Whale. The talk discusses not only the mechanics and politics of freeing Keiko, but also philosophical problems such as the nature of freedom as applied to the life of a captive killer whale who has stared in a hugely successful Hollywood movie.

Dolphins Dreams videos and live music by Alex Hubbard, Franz Pritchard, and Eileen Finn

New York video artist and recent graduate of the Whitney Independent Study Program, Alex Hubbard, Los Angeles musician and healer Franz Prichard (of Yume Bitsu) and Portland artist Eileen Finn address the MYTHOLOGIES of the dolphin. Finn introduces the works of Hubbard and Prichard with a short discussion of the stunning spiritual and sexual mythologies surrounding the magical (and real) Amazonian Pink Dolphin. Hubbard presents surreal video works on Dolphins and the beginning of mankind. Prichard entertains with a selection from his epic musical entitled "ATLANTIAN WAVES." Begun as the soundtrack to Hubbard's video, it relates the wonder of a shared human-dolphin past and a New Age return to these roots. A short Q&A will follow.

For more information on Hubbard and Pritchard see their fascinating Year of the Dolphin website.

My Experiences with Sea Mammals lecture by Moe Bowstern

Storyteller, commercial fisher woman, puppeteer, Amalgamated Union Choir Organizer, creator of the zine Xtra Tuf and overall amazing woman Moe Bowstern will presents true tales of her encounters with SEA MAMMALS. Moe reveals among other trues the proper way to remove a whale from one's salmon net.

Giant Whale

Get inside the giant geodesic whale and live out your Jonah (and Pinocchio) fantasies. This live-in sculpture was built by Jen Rhodes, Mark Ketzmeier, and Amos Latteier.


Click thumbnail images to see full-size photos.

Amos Latteier lectures on Keiko Amos Latteier lectures on Keiko Moe Bowstern relays tales of fishing Moe Bowstern relays tales of fishing
The giant whale The giant whale Eileen Finn talks about pink dolphins Eileen Finn talks about pink dolphins